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Spend a Day Enjoying the La Jolla Cove Seals

La Jolla Cove Pelicans
La Jolla Cove Seals

San Diego is renowned for its vibrant marine life, particularly the playful La Jolla seals and sea lions. With their big, expressive personalities and playful antics, I can see why sea lions are referred to as ocean dogs.

La Jolla Cove Seals and Sea Lions

Exploring La Jolla Cove: A Sanctuary for Seals and Sea Lions

Guide to La Jolla Cove Seals

La Jolla Cove, nestled along the breathtaking San Diego coastline, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts.This picturesque spot is teeming with nesting birds, seals, sea lions, leopard sharks, and more. For over a decade, sea lions have made La Jolla their sanctuary, choosing it as the perfect place to rest, give birth, nurse their young, and mate.

Destination Travel

Visit La Jolla Table of Contents

The Charismatic Sea Lions of La Jolla

These intelligent and playful mammals delight tourists and locals alike with their distinctive vocalizations and antics, both in and out of the water. But why have sea lions made La Jolla their year-round home, establishing the only sea lion rookery along California’s coast? While specific research is lacking, it’s believed that the rookery began when sea lions, possibly washed ashore from the Channel Islands during a storm, found the rocky ledges and sandy beaches of La Jolla ideal for their needs. The nearby deep canyon also provides easy access to food, making it a convenient location for nursing mothers.

La Jolla Cove Seals and Sea Lions - A Thriving Rookery

La Jolla Seals and Sea Lions

In recent years, more than 50 sea lion births have been recorded annually at Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach, just west of the Cove. This qualifies the area as a rookery according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Mother sea lions nurse their pups for up to 11 months, significantly longer than seals, whose pups are weaned within six to eight weeks. While most male sea lions, juveniles, and non-birthing females migrate during winter, the rookery also serves as a resting station for migrating sea lions from Mexico, leading to varying numbers of sea lions in the area.

Destination Travel

The Sea Lion's Habitat and Behavior

Visit La Jolla Cove

Sea lions use Boomer Beach and Point La Jolla to give birth, nurse their young, and mate. As pups grow, they practice swimming in the shallow waters and rocky crevices. Visitors often spend hours watching these young sea lions play and swim. During mating season, males establish territories on the beach, rocks, and cliffs, which can make the area dangerous for people. It’s common to see over 50 sea lions and pups resting on Boomer Beach.

Destination Travel

La Jolla Seals and Sea Lions - Ecological Impact

Visit La Jolla Cove

Sea lions play a vital role in the ecosystem. Their waste material, according to a study by Tiffanie Nelson of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, contains bacteria that metabolize iron and phosphorus, essential for the growth of phytoplankton—the foundation of the marine food chain. Thus, sea lions contribute to the productivity and diversity of marine species.


Destination Travel

La Jolla Seals and Sea Lions - Be a good Visitor

Sea Lions at La Jolla Cove
Seals at La Jolla Cove

When visiting La Jolla to see the sea lions, it’s essential to respect their space and natural behaviors. Here are some guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and the sea lions:

  • Watch quietly from the sidewalk and keep your voice low.
  • Move slowly so as not to scare the sea lions.
  • Never get within 50 yards of sea lions (NOAA recommendation).
  • Do not touch or pet sea lions.
  • Do not feed sea lions.
  • Never throw anything at sea lions.
  • Be respectful of sea lions and their habitat.

Remember, it is a violation of the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act to disturb sea lions’ natural behavior by getting close to them. By following these guidelines, you help protect these wonderful animals and ensure that La Jolla remains a safe haven for them. Be a good sea lion visitor!

Destination Travel

Scripps Park and Sea Caves

La Jolla Cove Cave
La Jolla Cove grass

Above the beach, Scripps Park stretches south to other nearby beaches, including Shell Beach and Children’s Pool Beach. This grassy area is perfect for picnicking and relaxing, offering panoramic ocean views. The park is filled with trees and other plantings, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely afternoon.Just north of the Cove are the famous La Jolla sea caves, known as “The 7 Caves of La Jolla. The best-known cave, Sunny Jim’s Sea Cave, is accessible through The Cave Store for a nominal fee. This unique experience allows visitors to descend a staircase leading to the cave itself, providing a close-up view of the natural wonders formed by the ocean’s relentless waves.

Destination Travel

La Jolla Cove Seals and Sea Lions - A Must-Visit Destination

La Jolla Dining
La Jolla Cove Marine life

Whether you’re diving into the vibrant underwater world, picnicking in Scripps Park, or exploring the intriguing sea caves, La Jolla Cove and its surroundings offer something for everyone. This area provides a perfect blend of natural beauty, recreational activities, and opportunities for relaxation, making it a must-visit destination on the Southern California coast.

Destination Travel

California Seals and Sea Lions: FAQ

What are the main differences between seals and sea lions?

Seals: Smaller flippers Lack external ear flaps Move on land by wriggling on their bellies Quieter and more solitary.

Sea Lions: Larger flippers Visible external ear flaps Walk on land using their flippers Vocal and social, often seen in groups

Where can I see seals and sea lions in California?

Rookeries and popular viewing spots:

La Jolla Cove: A significant sea lion rookery with sea lions present year-round.

Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach: Another important area for sea lions to give birth and nurse their young.

Channel Islands: Major breeding grounds for both seals and sea lions.

Ano Nuevo State Park: Famous for its elephant seals, particularly during breeding season.

Piedras Blancas: A well-known rookery for elephant seals.

Point Reyes National Seashore: A habitat for harbor seals and elephant seals.

San Simeon: Known for its elephant seal population.

Monterey Bay: Home to both harbor seals and sea lions.

When is the best time to see seals and sea lions in California?

Elephant Seals:

Breeding season: December to March

Molting season: April to August

Harbor Seals:

Pupping season: March to June

Best viewed: Year-round, but particularly during low tide

Sea Lions:

Pupping season: June to August

Best viewed: Year-round, with varying numbers based on migration patterns

What are the guidelines for safely viewing seals and sea lions?

Watch quietly from a distance (at least 50 yards as recommended by NOAA). Do not touch or pet the animals. Do not feed them. Avoid throwing objects at the seals or sea lions. Be respectful of their habitat and natural behavior. It is illegal to disturb seals and sea lions under the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act.

How do seals and sea lions impact the marine ecosystem?

Seals and sea lions contribute to the marine ecosystem by their waste, which contains bacteria that help metabolize essential elements like iron and phosphorus. These elements promote the growth of phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine food chain.

What threats do seals and sea lions face in California?

Natural Predators: Sharks and orcas are their main natural predators.

Human Disturbance: Increased human interaction can cause stress and lead to abandonment of pups.

Pollution: Marine pollution, including plastic waste and oil spills, pose significant threats.

Climate Change: Rising sea levels and changing ocean temperatures can impact their habitat and food sources.

What should I do if I see a stranded or injured seal or sea lion?

Do not approach or try to help the animal yourself. Contact local marine wildlife rescue organizations, such as The Marine Mammal Center or SeaWorld Rescue. Provide detailed information about the animal’s location and condition to the rescuers.

Are there any specific places in California dedicated to the conservation of seals and sea lions?

The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito): Dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals.

Pacific Marine Mammal Center (Laguna Beach): Focuses on the care and treatment of stranded marine mammals.

SeaWorld San Diego: Engages in rescue and rehabilitation efforts for marine wildlife.

By following these guidelines and respecting the natural habitat of seals and sea lions, visitors can enjoy watching these fascinating animals while ensuring their protection and conservation for future generations.


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