My Storied Journeys

Visit the Santa Barbara Zoo

Santa Barbara zoo

Nestled against the stunning backdrop of the Santa Ynez Mountains and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Santa Barbara Zoo is a captivating gem that seamlessly blends wildlife conservation with coastal elegance. This zoological wonder offers visitors an opportunity to connect with a diverse array of fascinating creatures while immersing themselves in the beauty of the Californian coast.

30 Acres of Nature at the Santa Barbara Zoo

California Zoo Pond
Santa Barbara Zoo Plants
Santa Barbara Plants

The Santa Barbara Zoo stands out not only for its impressive collection of animals but also for its aesthetically pleasing design. The zoo is carefully laid out, spreading across approximately 30 acres, to provide an engaging and visually appealing experience for visitors. Meticulously landscaped enclosures mimic the natural habitats of the animals, enhancing the sense of immersion and allowing visitors to appreciate the animals’ beauty and behaviors up close.

Animal Kingdom

Southern California Zoo Gorilla
Santa Barbara Zoo Fox

The Santa Barbara Zoo is home to 500 individual animals, from red pandas to gorillas. Visitors have the opportunity to observe and learn about more than 146 species, including otters, penguins, and giraffes. The conservation efforts of the Santa Barbara Zoo are commendable, with a strong focus on preserving endangered species and promoting biodiversity.

Masai Giraffes


I found myself memorized by the giraffe habitat. The Santa Barbara Zoo is home to a delightful tower of Masai giraffes, a species native to East Africa. These gentle giants captured my heart with their towering presence.  The giraffes were all out – Audrey, Theo, Adia and Raymie. Adia actually gave birth to Raymie on December 21, 2022 and is pregnant again (2023). They were playful and inquisitive and so fun to watch.

Guests can engage in up-close encounters, feedings, and educational experiences to learn about giraffe conservation and behavior. The zoo’s commitment to animal welfare ensures these magnificent creatures thrive in a habitat designed to replicate their natural environment.

Giraffe Fun Facts – In zoological terms, a “tower” refers to a group or collection of giraffes. Giraffes are social animals that may form loose and dynamic groups in the wild, and when they are observed together, whether in the wild or in captivity, the term “tower” is often used to describe this grouping.

Giraffes are known for their social interactions and may form temporary associations based on factors such as age, gender, and familiarity. These associations can change over time as giraffes move and interact within their environment.

Using terms like “tower” or “journey” (another collective term for giraffes) adds a touch of flair and evokes the majestic and communal nature of these remarkable animals. It’s a fun way to describe and envision these graceful creatures in their natural or zoo habitats.

Walking Tours

Southern California Zoo Birds
Santa Barbara Zoo Kangaroo

As you wander through the carefully curated pathways of the Santa Barbara Zoo, you’ll be delighted by the striking landscapes and carefully designed enclosures. The Australian Walkabout takes you through the vibrant and diverse fauna of the land Down Under, while the Tropical Aviary transports you to a lush, tropical paradise filled with colorful birds and lush greenery. 

Enhanced Experiences

Southern California Zoo Animals

For a more immersive adventure, the zoo offers interactive experiences such as giraffe feedings and behind-the-scenes tours. Imagine hand-feeding a towering giraffe, coming face-to-face with a penguin, or learning about animal care from the dedicated zookeepers. These unique encounters leave visitors with unforgettable memories.

Click here for Animal Encounters.

More Than Just A Zoo

Santa Barbara Zoo Entrance

The Santa Barbara Zoo is more than just a zoo; it’s a place where wildlife enthusiasts, families, and travelers can revel in the elegance of nature while learning about and supporting wildlife conservation. The seamless blend of captivating wildlife, breathtaking scenery, walk climbing wall, train, kids’ playground and educational experiences makes this zoo a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a unique and memorable encounter with the animal kingdom amidst the coastal allure of California. 

Click here for hours and tour opportunities.

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